Hanna Andersson - 2018
Baby Registry Launch
Role: Flats Art Director & Co-Art Director, Lifestyle
Art Director: Salina Clark
Photographers: Paige Jones, Kaitlin Green, Amy Winnerlind
Stylist:Becky Ross
Set Design: Susan Evans
For years, generations of families have come to Hanna Andersson to purchase premium gifts for their loved ones the second they learn of a new baby. The best pima cotton baby sets you can find— yet, no way to create a full-baby registry with Hanna directly... until now. In tandem with the new baby registry launch, we re-branded the baby collection and created moments that captured those sacred new-baby nursery scenes, while seamlessly integrating key product moments to both inspire and drive sales. Soft bright light, extra attention to fabric texture, quiet moments and joy for new baby.